Folsom is situated at the address:
Östra Trättlanda 5
672 92 Årjäng (Blomskog)
Travel by car:
If you travel by car you can follow the road "N 172" from Årjäng to Bengtsfors.(about 15 km)
At "Breviken" you get the roadsign "Blomskog 5 km". You go there to the right.
After 3 km you get the Hostel Folsom (vandrarhem)
Travel by buss from Oslo:
At Oslo Central Station you can take the buss from Oslo to Årjäng.
Its cheaper to book a bussticket online. You can plan the trip
(we can help you there to find the right trip if
you send us more information about when excactly you want to travel)
At Årjäng you can take the buss to (Breviken Camping).
This buss travels 3 times per day.
At "Breviken" you get the roadsign "Blomskog 5 km". You go there to the right.
After 3 km you get the Hostel Folsom (vandrarhem)
If you miss the (last) buss we can arrange transport from Årjäng to Folsom (15 km)
This will cost you SEK 10,- per km (2x15km = 30 x 10 = Sek 300,-) This seems
much, but the travel of 30 km includes bensin and driver, which will
take about 1 hour. It depends on how many people there are in your group
and if we can transport you in 1 minibuss (8-pers.)